
Ilustrasi prostitusi/pelacuran. David McNew/Getty Images


peter wellers

Penulis Indonesiana
Bergabung Sejak: 26 April 2019

Sabtu, 27 April 2019 20:06 WIB

Exposing the Truth will Stir the Cauldron

A response to the commotion in the prostitution industry

Dukung penulis Indonesiana untuk terus berkarya

Truth hurts!

After several weeks of exposing the truth about certain individuals in the online whoring industry, the perverts are now in the offensive and have mustered their thousands of follower on Twitter to rally up against my person. Truth really hurts. And they now say I am always booking someone on Twitter while at the same time exposing their hideous sinister ways. Some have even called for my death.

Before I wrote the article I know the risks. And I am prepared to face them. It is now to the general Indonesian public whether they will condone such hideous acts such as online prostitution and pimping - or help me in making sure this activity gets eradicated from this side of the globe.

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To my detractors, why write an article anonymously?

Truth hurts, doesn't it? 

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Oleh: Wahyu Kurniawan

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