

Rama Admiral Muhammad

Penulis Indonesiana
Bergabung Sejak: 26 April 2019

Sabtu, 27 April 2019 20:06 WIB

How Does The Condition of Sumpah Pemuda Now?


Dukung penulis Indonesiana untuk terus berkarya

By Rama Admiral Muhammad

In October, this month was a fairly historic month where on October 28, 1928, “Sumpah Pemuda” or in English we can call as “ The Youth Pledge” was originally formed at the decision of the Second Youth Congress held two days, October 27-28, 1928 in Batavia (Jakarta). “The Youth Pledge” is a major milestone in the history of the Indonesian independence movement. This pledge was considered as a crystallization of enthusiasm to affirm the ideals of the establishment of the Indonesian state. This decree affirms that there will be "Indonesian homeland", "Indonesian nation" and "Indonesian language". This decision is also expected to be the principle for every "Indonesian national association" and so that "it is broadcast in all newspapers and read in front of meetings". This young man's oath was highly upheld by all the youth at that time. The aim of the youth at that time was very good where it wanted to unite all citizens with one language, namely Indonesian. After 73 years of Indonesia's independence, is the content and meaning of the youth oath still attached to millennial youth? Because today, Indonesian people, especially teenagers, start to love western culture and English, which automatically forgets Indonesian


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Before heading to the topic of the discussion, I will explain the contents of the simplification oath, namely:


We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, claiming to have one blood, the land of Indonesia.


We Indonesian sons and daughters claim to be one nation, the Indonesian nation.


We Indonesian sons and daughters uphold unity, Indonesian.


Back to the question, are the millennial-era youth still remembering and implementing the contents of the youth pledge? what is the current condition of the youth pledge? At this time the youth oath has been forgotten by the youth and has not been upheld anymore because Indonesian itself is considered normal by young people today, besides the advancement of communication technology that makes Indonesian youth easily learn foreign languages just to look slang. Coupled with the globalization that causes our culture to begin to fade and begin to love culture from abroad. As for those who are busy in social media, the language is "South Jakarta" which uses a mixed language between Indonesian and English so that it further undermines the contents of the youth pledge. Aside from the language, polite and polite young people at this time also began to fade, such as speaking impolite to older people, not respecting the opinions of others, and judging others without thinking longer or better known as "cyberbullying". As for those who reject that the oath of youth begins to wear off because at this time there are many ways to improve it.


how do you interpret the youth pledge? As promises how youngsters swear with others to be one as an Indonesian, appreciate Indonesian fighters, proud to be Indonesian, to love and proud of using Language as their first language. Besides that, by interpreting the young pledge, the language and culture of our country are also increasingly raised in name, or with positive activities that can unite the spirit of youth and strengthen unity among youth. Be more distanced from negative things and think more critically and intelligently about things that can provoke and divide our unity of youth. As well as a motivation to stay grateful and try with positivity and high spirits.


We can conclude that, what we can take from the contents of the youth pledge is how we can use the Indonesian language well and correctly, when we use the Indonesian language that is good and true automatically we also appreciate the heroes who have formulated Indonesian and the youth who form the youth pledge. Learning a foreign language is important, but don't let us love foreign languages more than love Indonesian. Learn Indonesian culture and language in various ways such as visiting the museum, searching on the internet or going to the library. If the oath of youth is upheld, there will be no more divisions between youth, language differences, racial or religious differences, because we are one, INDONESIA.

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