Comparison of MSME Financing; Perpectives of Islamic Financial Instituiion and Conventioal Financial institutions

Senin, 10 Juli 2023 12:33 WIB
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This article was created by Rio Alam Samudra, a Sharia Economics Student of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The article discusses the challenges faced by MSMEs in Indonesia in obtaining financing for business development. It explores the shift in banking focus towards the MSME sector due to its resilience in economic crises.

The development of MSMEs in Indonesia is increasing rapidly, but there are still many MSMEs that have difficulty obtaining financing to develop their businesses. Funding for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is an important key in the growth and development of this business sector. MSMEs are often faced with challenges in obtaining adequate financial access to support their operations and business expansion.Along with developments in recent years, there has been a shift in the banking paradigm to allocate banking funds to the MSME sector. This situation is very different from the previous era which focused on directing capital to the corporate sector, because it was considered to generate faster and bigger profits. One of the reasons banks began channeling funds to the MSME sector was because MSME was considered the business sector that was most resilient to crises, as shown in the 1997 crisis. At that time, MSMEs were considered to be the backbone and savior of the economy. Therefore, learning from past crisis experiences, several banks in Indonesia were somewhat wary of lending to the corporate sector and started to look at the micro, small and medium credit sector, considering that this type of credit is safer even though the transaction costs per unit are higher. Therefore, financial institutions are important in providing financing for MSMEs. In this case, there are differences between Islamic financial institutions and conventional financial institutions in providing financing for MSMEs. Dknow In this context, the author will compare the perspectives of MSME financing from Islamic financial institutions and conventional financial institutions.

When comparing these two financing perspectives, there are several key differences to note. First, Islamic financial institutions emphasize the principles of fairness and risk sharing. In Islamic financing, profits and losses are shared between the parties involved in the transaction. This provides better protection for MSMEs in facing unexpected business risks.

Second, Islamic financial institutions also provide financing solutions that are more flexible and in accordance with the needs of MSMEs. Financing instruments such as mudharabah and musyarakah allow MSMEs to obtain funding without having to pay interest. In addition, Islamic financial institutions also encourage sustainable and socially responsible development, taking into account the social and environmental impacts of the businesses they finance.

However, Islamic financial institutions also have limitations. They must adhere to strict Shariah rules, which can limit the types of businesses they can finance. In addition, sometimes there are limited products and services offered by Islamic financial institutions compared to more established conventional financial institutions.

On the other hand, conventional financial institutions offer a wider variety of products and services, as well as easier access. However, the interest system applied in conventional financing can burden MSMEs with a high interest payment burden, especially in difficult or unstable business situations.

In the perspective of MSME financing, Islamic financial institutions and conventional financial institutions have their respective advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of Islamic financial institutions are that the implemented sharia principles provide better guarantees of fairness and business continuity. In addition, the financing products offered by Islamic financial institutions are more flexible and can be adapted to the needs of MSMEs. However, the disadvantages of Islamic financial institutions are higher administrative costs and a longer approval process.

Meanwhile, the advantages of conventional financial institutions are a faster approval process and lower administrative costs. However, the drawback of conventional financial institutions is that the interest principle applied can place a heavy burden on MSMEs, especially if there are significant fluctuations in interest rates.

In selecting financial institutions to finance MSME businesses, it is necessary to consider the principles and products offered by these financial institutions. If MSMEs wish to obtain financing with more equitable and sustainable principles, Islamic financial institutions can be the right choice. However, if MSMEs are more concerned about a fast approval process and low administrative costs, conventional financial institutions may be a more suitable choice.

In conclusion, the comparison of MSME financing between Islamic financial institutions and conventional financial institutions has their respective advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the needs and values ​​prioritized by SMEs. Although Islamic financial institutions offer alternatives that are fairer and in accordance with Islamic principles, conventional financial institutions provide wider access and more diverse products. In the end, it is important for MSMEs to understand and properly consider this financing perspective in order to make wise decisions that are appropriate to their business situation.

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